Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More to think about...

Something happened today that I am not too happy about. As you know, i have been trying to save up for a new car. Well, my boyfriend let me know a little something today that really made things worse. He said that his truck was impounded. Now, you don't understand what happened with his truck. Well, his truck broke down on him about a month or month and a half ago. He had it towed to this place to get it fixed. He found out it would be like 70 bucks just to get it checked out. So, he decided to wait and he waiting too long. It was impounded just a few days ago i assume. I don't really know when it happened. *sigh* Do you know what this means for me? It means i have to help him out. If we leave it there any longer it will get more expensive to get out. He can't even afford it now. I have to do it. I love him so much and i think it to be my duty to help him as much as i possibly can. He would do the same for me...I do not know what i should do..i just know what i am going to do. I have to pay to at least get it out. I can't stand to see him in this tough spot. I want to help him so bad. I am willing to do this for him because i just love him so much! :'( Sometimes i just want to cry though..I feel like this part of my life is never going to end. Like it is gonna last forever. I just know deep inside that it is not going to last forever. Please help me to understand what i should really do..i really need some advice here.. i am pretty much poor trying to save money and i just want to help my sweetheart..the man i want to spend the rest of my life with.. *Sigh* 


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