Friday, August 5, 2011

The turning of a new leaf..

This Sunday it will be two weeks since I started my diet. I have lost 8lbs. thus far and intend to lose many more. My ultimate goal is to lose 60lbs. My current goal is to lose 10lbs. I am almost to that goal. I have really been pushing myself and I have been trying to push others as well. I want everyone in my life to be healthy. My mom is supposed to be doing this diet thing with me, but she is having a much harder time than I am. I told her tomorrow we will really push it. I haven't cheated at all. I am very proud of myself. I have never been able to motivate myself like this. It is invigorating. :) I cannot wait until my body slims down and i can finally fit into some of the clothes i haven't been able to wear in years. I will be logging my progress each week. Sometimes each just depends on how i am feeling that day. :)

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