I cannot and will not be defeated. Whatever happens in this life...no matter what..i will always come out on top. There will be no saddness or sorrow. In the words of the Christian artist Jeremy Camp.."There will be a day..with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears." We will all be free to be. Nothing will bring us down and nothing will cause us pain and suffering. We will not fear things. We will only be happy. :) Everything always turns out to be awesome in the end. "
"I am STRONG becuz I am weak.
I am Beautiful becuz i know my flaws.
I am a Lover becuz I'm a fighter.
I am Fearless becuz I've been afraid.
I am WISE becuz i've been foolish and I can Laugh becuz I've known saddness."
This quote really expresses my feelings about life trying to bring me down. I am a strong, beautiful, loving, fearless, and wise person. Okay fearless is pushing it a little, but you catch my drift. ;) Life is not always a &#*$%. :)